Apple tvOS 18 Review: Top Features and Best Improvements

By ANAS KHAN 23 Min Read

Our Apple tvOS 18 Review is here! You are in for a treat if you like Apple products or are just generally tech-savvy. The latest version of Apple TV, tvOS 18, has a lot of new features and changes that will make watching TV better. With tvOS 18, you’ll be able to enjoy your entertainment more and get more done. It has a better user experience and works better with other Apple products.

This Apple tvOS 18 Review will go over the main things that make this update different from the ones that came before it. There’s something here for everyone, whether you’re excited about the new personalized content suggestions or the better support for multiple users. Now that you have your remote, let’s look at everything that Apple tvOS 18 has to offer.

Apple tvOS 18 Review: Enhanced User Interface

Let’s start by talking about the layout. The user experience looks much better now that Apple has changed it. It looks better, works better, and is fun to use. Everything feels more organized and easy to get to, whether you’re looking through apps or changing settings. Within this Apple tvOS 18 Review, you’ll notice right away the updated look, with smoother changes and a better-organized layout that makes it easy to find your favorite shows and movies.

The new home screen puts custom suggestions and recently used apps in a more visible and easy-to-reach place. They also changed the settings menu so that even people who aren’t very good with technology can easily find their way around. Another great thing about this Apple tvOS 18 Review is the new control center, which lets you quickly access important features like music controls and smart home devices without pausing your show.

It’s now easier to use Siri with your voice, and the results are more accurate and quick, which is great for finding specific shows or apps. It now works better with other Apple products, so you can connect your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch without any problems. One of the best things about this Apple tvOS 18 Review is how well the community works together.

It makes the user experience more unified and enjoyable. Overall, tvOS 18’s improved user experience shows that Apple cares about making design and functionality easy for everyone to use. It’s one of the best things about this Apple tvOS 18 Review.

Improved Siri Functionality

When reading this review of Apple tvOS 18, one of the features that stands out is the significantly better Siri functionality. With tvOS 18, Siri can not only understand what is going on around her better, but she can also easily handle more complicated questions. This means Siri can now understand and give you correct results faster, whether you’re looking for a specific movie, show, or even scene.

As a result of improved voice recognition technology, Siri understands your orders better, so you don’t have to repeat them. This makes the whole interaction smoother. Imagine being able to relax on your couch and ask Siri to find something. It would be easy, and it would always work. Now that it can do more, Siri seems like an even smarter helper, ready to meet your entertainment needs more quickly than ever.

The Apple tvOS 18 Review talks about how these changes not only make things easier for users but also make watching better by making it more fast and easy to understand. The new features added to Siri in tvOS 18 are a big step forward and show that Apple is serious about making systems that are easier to use and smarter.

This Apple tvOS 18 Review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning how these improvements make the entertainment experience more personalized and rewarding. This means that your Apple TV will still be an important part of your home entertainment setup. If you’re thinking about upgrading, the better Siri features are reason enough to check out what tvOS 18 has to offer.

Expanded Multi-User Support

One of the most impressive things about this Apple tvOS 18 Review is the improved multi-user support, which makes the experience more personalized and easy for the whole family. As of tvOS 18, each user can now make their own profile, which includes customizable settings, suggestions, and watchlists. So, whether you have a house full of movie fans, kids who love cartoons, or adults who love documentaries, everyone can enjoy a watching experience that is just right for them.

It is easy and seamless to switch between profiles, which makes it easy to get to your personalized material. This feature not only makes it easier to remember what each person likes, but it also keeps each person’s watching history and preferences separate, so you don’t get recommendations that aren’t what you want.

This Apple tvOS 18 Review talks about how the added multi-user support really improves the user experience by making things easier to find and use. You can tell that Apple has given a lot of thought to making sure that everyone in the family can enjoy Apple TV in their own special way. This new technology changes everything, especially for families who share a gadget but like different kinds of entertainment.

One of the best new features in this Apple tvOS 18 Review is the added support for multiple users. This shows that Apple is committed to making the watching experience more personalized and efficient. If you’re thinking about upgrading, this function alone makes tvOS 18 a good choice for your home theater system.

Revamped Control Center

One of the most noticeable changes in this Apple tvOS 18 Review is the new Control Center, which is easier to use and has more features. The new Control Center lets users add or remove options based on their needs, making it more flexible than ever. This means that you can change the Control Center to suit your needs, whether that’s having quick access to HomeKit controls, your favorite apps, or settings you use a lot.

The intuitive style and simple navigation make sure that everything you need is close at hand, which makes using Apple TV easier and more effective. With the updated Control Center, you can make your own hub where all of your important tools and features are always within reach. No more digging through menus to find what you need.

This Apple tvOS 18 Review focuses on how the updated Control Center not only makes things easier for users, but also makes the whole user experience look more sophisticated and useful. You spend less time exploring and more time enjoying your content when you can change and simplify your controls. It’s clear that Apple has taken user feedback to heart and made changes to the Control Center that make it work better overall.

These changes make the new Control Center a standout feature that makes the Apple TV experience more user-friendly and personalized, as this Apple tvOS 18 Review points out. If you want to upgrade, the new Control Center in tvOS 18 is a great reason to do so because it makes everyday tasks easier.

Enhanced Picture-in-Picture Mode

The improved Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode stands out as a great improvement in this Apple tvOS 18 Review. It gives you a lot more watching options and makes things easier. You can now change the size of the PiP window, move it around the screen more easily, and even have multiple PiP windows open at the same time with tvOS 18. This means you can keep watching your favorite show while also watching live sports, reading the news, or even keeping an eye on your smart home gadgets.

It’s a big deal to be able to multitask while binge-watching because it makes it easier than ever to keep up with multiple streams of material without having to stop. This Apple tvOS 18 Review shows how these changes to PiP mode not only make the experience better for users, but also show how committed Apple is to new ideas and designing with users in mind.

With the new ability to move and resize PiP windows, you can make your watching experience more enjoyable and convenient. As this Apple tvOS 18 Review explains, these changes to Picture-in-Picture mode show that Apple has thought about how to make it work better and make users happier.

The improved PiP mode in tvOS 18 is a feature you won’t want to miss if you like being able to do other things while watching your favorite shows. This change alone makes it worth upgrading; it gives you a more dynamic and adaptable way to use your Apple TV.

Updated Gaming Experience

One of the best things about this Apple tvOS 18 Review is how the updated game experience makes Apple TV users even more excited. Gamers, be happy! Apple has made tvOS 18’s game features much better by adding support for more gaming controllers and making the graphics run faster. In other words, your favorite games will run more smoothly and look better than ever, making the experience more full and fun.

The better graphics make sure that every feature is clear and bright, which makes the game more fun to play and beautiful to look at. Another change is that the App Store’s gaming area has grown, giving you more games to choose from. There is now a wider range of games to choose from, whether you like action-packed adventures, strategic puzzles, or casual games.

There are a lot of improvements to the gaming experience with these updates, and this Apple tvOS 18 Review shows that Apple is committed to meeting the needs of gamers. Because it works with more game controllers, you have more choices, which lets you make your own setup that is comfortable and fits your needs.

As this Apple tvOS 18 Review points out, these improvements make Apple TV a better gaming platform, connecting casual and serious players. People who like to play games will find tvOS 18 to be a big improvement because it has better images, more games, and more controller support. To get the most out of your gaming moments, the updated gaming experience in tvOS 18 is a strong reason to upgrade.

New Fitness+ Features

Health and exercise fans will love the new updates to exercise+ in this Apple tvOS 18 Review. They make working out a lot more fun. Apple has added more workout types so that users can mix up their workout routines and find choices that work for their fitness level and personal tastes. More accurate tracking of every movement is now possible, giving you thorough information and progress reports that help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Because it works with other exercise apps, you can easily sync your data and keep all of your health information in one place. The new workout collections are one of the best things about this Apple tvOS 18 Review. They make it easier to stick to a full exercise plan right from your living room. There are a lot of workouts in these collections, so you can make sure that your fitness routine is well-rounded and useful.

A collection is available to meet your needs, whether you want to get stronger, more flexible, or improve your heart health. This Apple tvOS 18 Review talks about how these changes to Fitness+ not only make working out more personalized and effective, but also show that Apple wants to help people live better lives.

With the new features and the ease of accessing high-quality fitness material from home, tvOS 18 is a must-have for anyone who is serious about their fitness journey. New Fitness+ features in tvOS 18 give you strong reasons to improve your home workout routine and reach your fitness goals more quickly if you’re thinking about upgrading.

Apple Music Sing Along

As I talk about this Apple tvOS 18 Review, one of the coolest new features is the Apple Music Sing Along. This is a great addition that makes your living room sound like a lively concert hall. You can sing along to your favorite songs with on-screen words in this karaoke-style mode. This makes it easier than ever to enjoy fun, interactive music with family and friends. The Apple Music Sing Along feature is a lot of fun whether you’re a professional singer or just want to have a good time.

There is perfect timing between the words on the screen and the music, so you never miss a beat. This Apple tvOS 18 Review shows how this feature not only makes listening to music better, but it also makes getting together with friends and family more fun. For example, you could have a karaoke night where everyone can sing their favorite songs and enjoy music together.

The Sing Along tool on Apple Music is simple and easy to use, so anyone can join in the fun, even if they’re not good at music. As this Apple tvOS 18 Review explains, this feature shows how committed Apple is to giving its users fun and interesting experiences. If you want to upgrade, the Apple Music Sing Along mode in tvOS 18 is a great new feature that will keep you entertained and happy for hours.

It’s a great way to enjoy music, bring people together, and make memories that will last a lifetime. This makes your Apple TV an even more important part of your home entertainment system.

HomeKit Integration Enhancements

The improved integration of HomeKit is one of the most noticeable improvements in this in-depth Apple tvOS 18 Review. This gives users more control and ease over their smart home devices directly from their Apple TV. Apple has taken HomeKit integration to a whole new level with tvOS 18. This means that you can easily control a wider range of smart home devices. You can now use the Apple TV as a central hub to control and watch your home environment.

You can use it to change the temperature, dim the lights, or check the security cameras. The new automation features in this Apple tvOS 18 Review make the user experience even easier. You can now make your own routines and schedules that automatically do things based on your tastes and daily habits. This makes sure that all of your smart home gadgets work well with each other, which increases efficiency and comfort.

It’s easy to set up and manage these automation features with tvOS 18. This gives you the power to make your living place better right at your fingertips. As this Apple tvOS 18 Review points out, these improvements not only show that Apple wants to make technology more useful in everyday life, but they also show that the company is committed to making the user experience better through new ideas.

tvOS 18 gives you great reasons to upgrade, whether you’ve been using HomeKit for a long time or are new to smart home technology. It gives you better control, automation, and integration features that make controlling your home smarter and more efficient than ever.

Seamless AirPlay Upgrades

The smooth updates to AirPlay are one of the best new features in this in-depth Apple tvOS 18 Review. They show again how good Apple TV is at wireless streaming technology. Better link stability and better streaming quality are now available with tvOS 18’s AirPlay features. More stable and smooth than ever, whether you’re sharing photos, streaming movies, or mirroring your device’s screen.

This improved dependability makes sure that your content shows up on the screen with little to no lag and the highest level of clarity. This makes it perfect for presentations, sharing memories with family, or enjoying multimedia fun without any problems.

As this Apple tvOS 18 Review points out, these updates show that Apple is serious about making the user experience better by using strong and easy-to-understand technology. tvOS 18 makes your Apple TV more useful and flexible, whether you just use it for fun or use AirPlay for business shows.

It will become an even more important part of your digital life. For those looking for a reason to upgrade, the seamless AirPlay changes in tvOS 18 offer great new features that make streaming and sharing even more reliable and high-quality.


It’s clear from this Apple tvOS 18 Review that Apple has done a lot to make the Apple TV experience better. tvOS 18 raises the bar for home entertainment with a better user interface, more features like better Siri functions and seamless AirPlay upgrades, and better overall performance. Whether you just like to watch TV for fun or are really into new technology, tvOS 18 gives you strong reasons to switch, making the experience easier to use, more flexible, and more fun for all Apple TV users.


Q1: How do I update to tvOS 18?

A: To update to tvOS 18, go to Settings > System > Software Updates and select Update Software.

Q2: Can I use third-party controllers with the new gaming features?

A: Yes, tvOS 18 supports a wider range of third-party gaming controllers for a better gaming experience.

Q3: Are there any new apps exclusive to tvOS 18?

A: While there aren’t exclusive apps, many existing apps have been updated to leverage the new features of tvOS 18.

Q4: How does the new multi-user support work?

A: Each user can create a profile with personalized settings, recommendations, and watchlists, which can be easily switched between from the Control Center.

Q5: Is the Apple Music Sing Along feature available on all Apple TV models?

A: Apple Music Sing Along is available on models that support tvOS 18 and have the Apple Music subscription.

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