A Beginner’s Guide: How to Get Started with ChatGPT in 2023

By ANAS KHAN 9 Min Read

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, becoming the fastest-growing application in the world in an astonishingly short period of time. With all of the buzz around ChatGPT, it’s reasonable to wonder: how do you utilize it?

To utilize ChatGPT, you’ll need two things: an OpenAI account and a web browser, as the service doesn’t yet have a dedicated app. Sign up for an account at chat.openai.com using your email address, or a Google or Microsoft account. You may now utilize the AI chatbot once you’ve logged in!

ChatGPT is simple to use; the real issue is: what can you do with it? This guide will teach you all you need to know about one of the most intriguing technologies of the twenty-first century, including how it works, how to use it, and what you can do with it.

Let’s get started!

What Is Chat GPT?

OpenAI created ChatGPT, an AI language model based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. Based on the input, it is intended to interpret and create human-like text.

ChatGPT, as a conversational AI chatbot, can assist you with a number of activities, including message authoring, content creation, question answering, and even informal discussions.

Because of its extensive natural language processing capabilities, it can provide contextually appropriate and coherent replies, making it a useful tool for improving digital communication and automating other text-based activities.

Can I Use Chat GPT for Free?

The quick answer is yes. OpenAI has made ChatGPT available for free. The free tier, on the other hand, has several limits, including restricted capacity at peak periods.

ChatGPT will most likely not remain free indefinitely, although it is for the time being. It gives OpenAI vital user input and encourages the usage of the AI language model in a variety of businesses.

What Is ChatGPT Plus?

In addition to the free tier, OpenAI developed ChatGPT Plus, a $20-per-month membership package that provides extra benefits such as quicker response times, priority access to new features, enhancements, and enhanced API usage limitations.

This approach is intended to improve your experience with Chat GPT and guarantee that you obtain the best outcomes possible from your conversations with the chatbot.

GPT-3 vs GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4: What Does It All Mean?

GPT is an abbreviation for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It is an artificial intelligence language model created by OpenAI.

The phrase “Generative” alludes to the model’s ability to produce text depending on input, whereas “Pre-trained” indicates that the language model was trained on a large dataset before being fine-tuned using human feedback and reinforcement learning.

Finally, “Transformer” is the fundamental architecture of GPT, which is a neural network design that was launched in 2017 and has been the cornerstone for several cutting-edge natural language processing models.

So, GPT is essentially the language model that the ChatGPT AI bot use to grasp context and write coherent, human-like prose.

The numbers after GPT, such as “GPT-3.5” or “GPT-4”, merely relate to the model version number, with GPT-4 being the most recent ChatGPT model.
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How to use ChatGPT

1. Go to chat.openai.com and log in or register

Begin by going to chat.openai.com and signing up with an email address or a Google or Microsoft account. To log in and utilize ChatGPT, you must first make an account on the OpenAI website, which is free.

Also, how does ChatGPT works?

If you haven’t already done so, click ‘Sign up’ and input your information as directed. To establish an account on OpenAI’s website, a valid phone number is required for verification.

2. Accept the disclaimers from ChatGPT

Before you may communicate with the AI chatbot, you’ll encounter a few disclaimers. To access the conversation, read and accept them one by one.

Learn how to use ChatGPT

After logging in to your OpenAI account on the ChatGPT side of the website, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the AI tool’s window. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll see, with an example from the image below:

New chat and sidebar hide buttons: You’ll notice a ‘New chat’ button on the left-hand side of your screen, which you can click at any moment to start a new conversation. This feature is helpful because the ChatGPT model remembers what was previously discussed in a conversation and will reply with context; hence, beginning a new chat will result in a fresh topic without context.

Chat history: The left sidebar also maintains all of your prior chats available in case you need to return to one, however, you may disable chat history. You may change the title of each chat, share your chat history with others, or erase it from this page.

Account: On the bottom left of your screen, click on your e-mail address or name to access your account information, including settings, the opportunity to log out, and OpenAI support and FAQs. If you don’t already have ChatGPT Plus, there’s an Upgrade to Plus button here.

Prompts from you: The AI chatbot’s responses to your inquiries or prompts are shown here.

Responses from ChatGPT: The ChatGPT logo will show on the left whenever it answers to your questions. To the right of each response are the Copy, Thumbs Up, and Thumbs Down buttons. You may copy the phrase to your clipboard and paste it elsewhere, as well as offer comments on how accurate the response was. This technique assists in the AI tool’s fine-tuning.

Regenerate response: If you are having problems obtaining a response in the chat or do not receive an adequate response, you may tell ChatGPT to try again with a fresh response for the most recent prompt by clicking on ‘Regenerate response’.

Text area: Enter your prompts and questions here, then press enter to submit them.

ChatGPT edition: OpenAI contains a disclaimer underneath the text input field, where you can see that this is a “Free Research Preview.” ChatGPT may generate false information about individuals, locations, or facts.” This part also displays the ChatGPT model version you’re presently utilizing.


ChatGPT, an AI language model created by OpenAI, is a conversational AI chatbot that can assist users with various tasks such as message authoring, content creation, question answering, and informal discussions. With its extensive natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT provides contextually appropriate and coherent replies, making it a useful tool for improving digital communication and automating other text-based activities.

OpenAI has made ChatGPT available for free, but it has limitations, including restricted capacity at peak periods. ChatGPT Plus, a $20-per-month membership package, offers additional benefits such as quicker response times, priority access to new features, enhancements, and enhanced API usage limitations.

GPT-3, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 are the abbreviations for the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which is the language model used by ChatGPT to grasp context and write coherent, human-like prose. The numbers after GPT refer to the model version number, with GPT-4 being the most recent model.

To use ChatGPT, users must first log in to chat.openai.com and create an account on the OpenAI website. The chatbot’s window displays prompts from users, responses from ChatGPT, and the ability to copy, thumbs up, and down buttons. Users can also register responses and submit prompts and questions.

ChatGPT edition is a “Free Research Preview” that may generate false information about individuals, locations, or facts. Users should be aware of these limitations and use the chatbot responsibly.

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