Will iOS 18 change everything? Unpacking the Potential

By ANAS KHAN 9 Min Read

According to rumors, the next big software update, iOS 18, will center on artificial intelligence, a topic that companies like Qualcomm, Google, ChatGPT, and Microsoft have been talking a lot about recently. Based on what we know so far, this is all there is to know about iOS 18, including when it could be released, what features it could include, and which iPhones are expected to be compatible.

iOS 18 Features

iOS 18 Features

There has been very little information leaked about iOS 18 thus far, but what little there is seems to be focusing on artificial intelligence.

In his usual reliable manner, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has stated that iOS 18 is “more critical than usual” due to Apple’s efforts to “catch up with Google and OpenAI in generative AI.” To compensate for the anticipated lack of hardware advancements in the iPhone 16 models, he continued by saying that “iOS 18 is poised to bring such technology to the iPhone” and that the upgrade must be of decent quality.

According to Gurman, people inside Apple have described the next operating system as “ambitious and compelling,” and he has stated that iOS 18 will have “security and performance improvements,” “major new features and designs,” and more.

Gurman has only stated that generative AI, the same kind used by ChatGPT and Copilot, will be available in iOS 18 so far, without providing any other details. He went on to say that it should “improve how both Siri and the Messages app can field questions and auto-complete sentences” and that Apple has been experimenting with generative AI features in other apps as well, such as Apple Music and Pages.

Apple is allegedly planning to integrate large language models into Siri and is also investing in AI servers, according to other rumors. This is the basis for ChatGPT’s training, for instance, and it should, in principle, make Siri sound more human. For instance, there has been discussion of a more robust integration with the Shortcuts app, which may enable Siri to execute some of the more involved tasks that you can set up in Shortcuts automatically. For instance, you can request a GIF made from your most recent five images; however, we anticipate additional use cases, ideally similar to Google’s Magic Editor, as well.

Regarding additional features, Apple has stated that it will enable RCS messaging, which should improve the iMessage experience across platforms. At the moment, features like reading receipts and typing indicators are made possible by the blue bubbles that show up when you’re messaging from one iPhone to another. An iPhone receives a text message from an Android device, and all that happens is that the information appears in a green bubble. Effortless design is the norm. This ought to change once RCS support is introduced, which is anticipated to happen with iOS 18.

iOS 18: Supported Devices

iOS 18: Supported Devices

No official announcement has been made regarding the compatibility of current iPhones with iOS 18 or the end of support for any of them. All three of Apple’s iPhone models released in the autumn of 2018—the 8, 8, and 8 Plus—were no longer supported by iOS 17. That follows Apple’s standard practice of offering software and security updates for its phones for around five years.

Support for iOS 18 may be in jeopardy for phones released in 2019 if Apple maintains its five-year window. The iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max will be reaching the five-year mark this fall, making them the most likely to no longer receive iOS updates.

The only way to know for sure which phones are compatible is if Apple makes an announcement. That typically occurs during WWDC, right in the middle of the iOS preview.

iOS 18: Potential Release Date

Even though Apple doesn’t announce when it will release new versions of iOS, we can still anticipate the release of iOS 18 with some degree of certainty thanks to Apple’s historically reliable track record of when it releases software updates for iPhones.

We should expect to hear official announcements about iOS 18 and similar software updates for the iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac at the 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference if previous events are any indication. Although the exact date of Apple’s developer conference is still up in the air for 2024, the event typically occurs in early June.

At WWDC 2024, an iOS 18 developer beta will be available, and a public beta will be released a few weeks later. For iOS, previous beta programs have lasted all summer, with regular updates including both new features and fixes for bugs. Everything should come to a head in the autumn when the iPhone 16 models hit store shelves and the full version of iOS 18 is made available for download. Mid-September is typically when that happens.

During the first milestone release of the software’s internal version, rumors started circulating that Apple was halting development on iOS 18 to fix bugs. Nonetheless, the anticipated duration of that hiatus was only one week, and there has been no indication that Apple’s regular release schedule for iOS updates has been affected since then.

iOS 18 Outlook

Despite the lack of information, iOS 18 seems like a major update that will bring many new features to all iPhones, including current models. More information regarding the update and the months preceding WWDC 2024, especially regarding Apple’s plans to enhance the AI-powered features of its phones, is something we’re eager to hear.


iOS 18 is set to be a major software release, focusing on AI, with rumors suggesting it will bring generative AI to the iPhone. Mark Gurman of Bloomberg has praised iOS 18 for its potential to improve Siri and the Messages app’s ability to field questions and auto-complete sentences. Apple is also investing in AI servers and incorporating large language models into Siri, which could allow Siri to respond more like a human.

The operating system will also support RCS messaging, delivering a better cross-platform messaging experience when using iMessage. The first official word on iOS 18 will be at 2024’s Worldwide Developers Conference, where a developer beta will be available. The full version of iOS 18 is expected to be available to download just before the iPhone 16 models arrive in stores in mid-September.


What iPhones will get iOS 18?

At its June developer’s conference, also known as WWDC, Apple will most likely unveil iOS 18. The public release, which will coincide with the iPhone 16’s release in September, is still a ways off.

Will the iPhone XR get iOS 18?

Support for iOS 18 may be in danger for phones released in 2019 if Apple maintains its five-year window. The iPhone XR, XS, and XS Max will be reaching the five-year mark this fall, making them the most likely to no longer receive iOS updates.

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